Monday, January 31, 2011

Not a Winner...

This does not say much for my day but the best I can do as I sit at the keyboard with sagging eyelids is to say...

Today I learned about the results of our district/state tests.  Historically the jump from 5th grade to 6th grade has horrendous scores, I often am thankful to still be employed, but this year to my surprise the scores fared well.  What created this change? I'm sure it will be delved into and dug apart.  I'm still doing my job, loving it and working as hard as I always have.  Who knows maybe it was the Shakespeare...

I hate that so much emphasis is put on a bunch of data collected over a short period of time and it's allowed to form a picture of who a student is on paper but I sure am glad when the scores are on the up and up.  Does this make me hypocritical?

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